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Piss Pot Alley – Christmas Ghost Walk

🎭🏰🔥 Step into the past with us! Join us for a truly different Christmas experience, to a time before indoor plumbing, toilet paper and sewers! When a rat was not just for Christmas. History buffs, theatre enthusiasts and curious minds, gather round and be transported back through time for a truly horrible history event.

Joint us in the company of local plumber George Jennings Southampton inventor of the first modern flushing toilet as we make a tour of local hot spots, from cess pits to the great guano rush of 1844! If you are expecting beauty creams for Christmas – ind out what they are really made of! We will be checking for dysentery, taking part in National Rat Week and seeing what we can fish out of the town moat! And of course we will be sliding down Piss Pot Alley.

The Sarah Siddons Fan Club Theatre, named after the esteemed 18th-century tragic actress and Southampton resident, is renowned for their productions inspired by historical incidents and real people from our beloved town.

Mark your calendars for the bowel releasing performances on 11th, 13th and 15th December, 7.30pm from Holy Rood Church, High Street, Southampton. Tickets just £6.  Don’t miss your chance to embark on this extraordinary journey through time and effluent!

#SouthamptonHistory #HistoricalDrama #LiveTheatre #TimeTravel #DramaticPresentation #MedievalTimes #TudorEra #RegencyPeriod #CulturalHeritage #Preservation #CommunityEvents #SouthamptonEvents #MustSee #GetYourTicketsNow

Tickets are available now, £6 available online at or direct from the Fan Club email: or phone 023 8086 2882.