Past productions

Christmas Shows

1988The Leper’s Day Out
1990Dastardly Deeds & Direful Deaths
1991Bring Out Your Dead
1992Mad, Bad and Dangerous to Know
1993Dead Man’s Chest
1994Ghosts Galore
1995Tales From The Crypt
1996Bloody Royals
1997A Plague On Both Your Houses
1998Quiet As The Grave
1999A Night In The Stocks
2000The Scavenger’s Tale
2000Millennium Ghost Walk
2001Dead Ladies
2002The Seventh Seal
2003Tinker Tailor Soldier Sailor
2004Bevois The Pantomime
2004What The Dickens
2005A Right Charlie (Dickens II)
2005Edwards Southern’s Theatre Of Blood
2006What a Load of Rubbish
2006Ferry Cross the Itchen
2007Wake the Dead
2008Your ‘Umble Servant
2009A Night on the Town
2011From the Horses Mouth
2012He Done Her Wrong
2013Eat, Drink & Be Merry
2014Southampton DeFrocked
2015Crimes & Misdemeanours
2016Romsey on Trial
2017Ghosts, Ghouls & Gaolers
2018Strangers, Foreigners & Aliens
2019Mrs Truss’s Xmas
2020No Show Covid
2021A horrible way to Die 2: Violent, Vicious, Victorians
2022No show, filming instead
2023Piss Pot Alley
2024The Strangers Guide

Halloween Shows

1997The Quyck and The Dead
1998Hubble, Bubble, Toil and Trouble
1999Scared to Death
2000Fright Night/Executioners Tale
2001Demon Drink
2003Bats in the Belfry
2004From Beneath It Comes
2005Gunpowder, Treason & Plot
2006Sea Of Souls
2007In Southampton Everyone can hear you Scream
2008‘Orrible ‘Ampton
2009Getting Away With Murder
2010The Undertakers Tale of Orrible Deaths
2011Harry Houdini’s Horrible Halloween
2012Terrible Tudors
2013There’s Something Rotten in the town of Hamtun
2014Bloody Southampton
2015Horace Walpole’s Gothic Horror
2016Arthur Conan Doyle’s Ghost Hunt
2017Gothic Tales
2018Poultices, Potions & Pus
2019The Disinterested Man
2019 Grave Concerns
2020No show – Covid
2021A Horrible Way to Die
2022Mayor Culpa
2023Bloody Royals
2024Hubble Bubble – Here Come’s Trouble

Summer Shows

1989Taking The Flounce
1991Much Ado About Very Little
1994Room For One More On Top
1995Move Along Inside Please
1996Taking The Flounce
1997Gateway to the Empire
1998The Merrie Wives of Hampton
1999A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To The Conquest
2000The Canterbury Tales
2000You’ve Been Framed
2000Tudor House Characters
2001On The Street Where You Live
2002The Ship Titanic
2002So Drunk, He Must Have Been To Romsey
2002From Lady Day to Michaelmas
2002Blind Peter’s Ghastly Ghost Walk
2003The Canterbury Tales
2003The Leper’s Day Out
2003Jane Austen’s Picnic
2003Titanic – The Last Supper
2003Blind Peter – The Abbot’s Revenge
2004Rev Browne’s Historical Pageant
2004Mr Darcy’s Dinner
2004Six Characters In Search Of A Play
2004Saints & Sinners
2005Sickening Romsey
2005Officers & Gentlemen
2005Dried Eggs & Spam
2005Ordnance Survey
2005An Audience With Sarah Siddons
2005Salty Tales
2006Medieval Banquet
2006Eling – A Land of Pure Delight
2006Jane Austen & Southampton Spa
2006Travels With a Trowel
2006The Sad Tale of Richard Parker
2007Making Sail
2007John Diaper & The Titanic
2007John Diaper & The Titanic (Totton)
2007Rev Davies Historical Pageant
2007It’s Common Knowledge
2008Parish, Paupers & Poo
2008Shades of Tudor House (Private)
2009Shades of Tudor House
2009Scandal Sheets
2010Time Travellers(The Lost Hour)
2010 Biggles & Co
2010Mini Blitz Town Quay
2011Sir Richard Lyster [Hangar Farm]
2011Mini Titanic with City of Soton Players [Westgate Hall]
2011In Defence of the Realm
2011Queens Park
2011Sea City Bus Tours
2012Hamble Valley Titanic Trail
2012Titanic American Bus Tour
2012Titanic Supper Theatre
2012Titanic The Southampton Story
2012Michaelmas Interludes I, II, III
2013Hedge End Story Berries
2013Meet The Ancestors Gods House
2015Titanic a Survivors Tale
2015A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to Agincourt
2016Hold Back the Tide
2016The Rev Sedgewicks Historical Pageant (Bishopstoke)
2017Ho Ho Houghton
2017Taking the Flounce
2017Regency Vignettes
2017Lady Bettys Ball
2018Deeds Not Words
2018Hold Back the Tide
2019No Show (due to Covid)
2020A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to America (film)
2020Behind the Scenes with Sarah Siddons (Film)
2020Six Characters in Search of a History (Film)
2020Vignettes Jane Austen / Mrs Butler Harrison Peartree
2021The Sad Tale of Richard Parker (film)
2021Rev Davies Historical Pageant (Peartree)
2022Titanic Study Day
2022Jane & Sarah (& The Marquis)
2022Mrs Ghost
2023The Chameleon & the Fly (film)
2023A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Conquest
2024A Land of Pure Delight – The life and times of Isaac Watts
2025Celebrating 150 Years of Hedge End Church